Feed the Monster!

Long time, no Blog. If you’ve been following my blog I guess I’ve been kind of absent in the past couple of weeks. It’s all about priorities!

Some fellow bloggers and entrepreneurs may be critical . . . consistency is important, and I agree! However, my blog is about being positive in life. In order to do that y’all need to feed the positivity monster. I can set goals, measure stats, create growth strategy, and make this work, or enjoy the ride along the way. I am personally tired of the push, push, push world of “whatever it is I’m trying to present.” It makes for great stress. In these couple of weeks of non-blogishness—-

I have edited a book I’ve been writing for the past year (LOL, no title yet!)

Together with my husband in an six hour time span we carried 6800 lbs of materials up approx. up 3100 steps! It took a few days to recover from that craziness! (I am freaking WOman!)

I have picked berries, had a few campfires & taken walks.

I’ve studied different CBD oil companies to try and decipher if I would like to become an affiliate and make some side income.

I have found myself in a very creative space of re-purposing furniture and I can sit back and look at what I’ve created with great pride.

I’ve visited two senior living facilities and shared my stories of days gone by.

Best of all, this weekend I had the privilege of visiting with family. I mean, really, when the choice comes to having a cup of coffee with your mom or writing because you’ve set some inner goal for yourself . . . I’ll choose the relationship with my Mom. Or, visit with my son here from the West Coast. Oh gee! Sorry Brandon, I can’t do that because I’ve set some goal for myself. (No way! What’s positive about THAT?)

OK, Positivity Girl! What point are you trying to make here? I enjoy writing about positive things, it has truly been a wonderful discipline. It has helped me to perceive the world in a positive way just by the attitude I am embracing and looking for.  I enjoy writing about personal history on the Brown Bag Letter blog too. My point is that too often in life we can get caught up in the “not having fun in life because we live in a social era of push, push, push.” In my former career, there were so many deadlines, meetings and statistical bullshit—all in the name of spirituality!!!!! (Go ahead, make sense of that one!) I refuse to do this to myself!

During this same time-span of not writing so much, one of my very best friends died and I am once again reminded to enjoy life at it’s fullest, each day, as it comes because there may not be another.

Let me ask you a question or two, OK, maybe more than that:

What feeds your positivity monster?

What activities in life are keeping you from enjoying today?

What areas of stress do you allow to overcome what you know is best for your own personal health?

Are you so worried about stuff that doesn’t really matter, that you neglect the things that do? OUCH!

OK, if you got this far in reading this, I hope you are challenged to look a little deeper and discover the positive, less-stressed monster within & are thinking about some ways to feed him or her. Make the time to do whatever it is that you have to do to enjoy each and every moment of this thing called life.

I sign off each blog with “Enjoying the Adventure”

Are you?

Dr. Dink


The Brown Bag Letter