They Clapped!

dawn dusk forest grass
Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on

It was toward the end of the 10 mile race and a young woman came in toward the finish line.  Everyone clapped! Even the elderly couple sitting on a bench stood up and clapped. She wasn’t first, as a matter of fact, she was probably close to last. She was a runner. They clapped for them all. I’m not a runner and have never been to the end of a race before, it touched me to the core that everyone, just for finishing was acknowledged.

It got me quite emotional. It makes me want to clap my hands for others!

Have a wonderful day!

Enjoying the Adventure,

Dr. Dink

Can’t Help but Giggle!

We had some pretty significant flooding here in Pennsylvania yesterday. Our yard became a lake for a short time, well, actually twice. Thank goodness our house was unharmed and we actually had fun, I mean, there is nothing better than playing with a German Shepherd in your flooded yard!


We saw waterfalls on our hill that we never knew existed.


One of the highlights of the day was finding a mother duck and 8 ducklings at our local park. They must have hatched during the rain the night before, they were so small.


While I was admiring them and taking photos and squeaking, “How cute!”, my husband says, “This poor mama is exhausted and there is no way the little ones can get out of here.” They were stuck in a dead-end area with walls and steps that were too high for the little ones to manage.


So, he slowly and gently leads them toward the steps. He guided the babes up along with Mama who suddenly decides that he’s a predator and went after him. (I have video, it’s hilarious!) Determined, he continued his mission and the babes and Mama were reunited with the other ducks and waddled off telling them about their recent adventure.


Later in the day, hubby shows me his hand where there’s a red mark —- evidently, he was bit by Mama-Duck! This morning I can’t help but giggle, I mean, really, WHO GETS BIT BY A DUCK!?!?!?!

Many people have stories to tell of grand adventures, but what a wonderful minority hubby can now claim. . . bit by a duck. Now, that’s something to tell the grandkids!

Enjoying the Adventure,

Dr. Dink

A Second Wind


What a lovely surprise, when my husband and I stopped in town to drop off some recycling on our way home from work. We heard music that drew us across the railroad tracks to the park. Both of us were so tired we could hardly stand up, because today was day four of a roofing project on this house we are flipping. My mood was, “like a woman too hot, too tired, too sweaty and, well not exactly prettied up for a concert!”



The band was in the park’s gazebo with a nice little crowd sitting on lawn chairs and quilts. There were also peculiar decorations in the park and around town called, Yarn Bombing, it’s quirky and very cute.

Looking around, I asked hubby, “Are we showing our age being here?” Sometimes when men are too tired they don’t think not to tell you the truth. “Yes, I believe we are!” It seems that most of the audience had WHITE HAIR!

The band was playing, oldies from the 1930’s era. While they played “All of Me” I walked and took a few photos as they were singing and couldn’t help but swing a bit while taking a photo of the bridge where we were married in this same park. It was a lovely surprising evening.img_20180617_195342840_hdr1870923304.jpg

Rather than go home, tired and yucky, this little concert in the park, in our little Victorian town gave me a second wind. The last song they played was, “Roll Out the Barrel” which brings back many memories for this girl who grew up in the shadow of Philadelphia and the Mummer’s Bands. I think it possibly brought out a third wind. Hubby and I even did a 30 second Polka. No, we didn’t dance the whole song, if you had been climbing 50 steps multiple times a day and carrying heavy stuff for four days up on the roof without your fiddle, would you dance a whole polka? That’s what I thought!

img_20180617_195938742906452387.jpgAll in all, this hometown Sunday evening concert was just what the doctor ordered! By the way, the name of the Band was, The Second Winds! I think I’ll get out my saxophone and go ahead and practice with them on Tuesday at the Senior Center.

Enjoying the Adventure, (and grateful for the Second Wind)

Dr. Dink




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