Memory & Hopes & Dreams

I am amazed by the power of memory, its effect on us, and how it can lead us to our hopes and dreams.  After a text conversation with a friend last night about Arizona, I received a message from my daughter this morning. She said when they drive on dirt roads when on an Arizona discovery adventure, that my grandson starts talking about wanting to see a cow! I find this, not only exciting, but AMAZING!

My grandson is so young so I wonder how can he remember a ride or two over the past year? How does the mind work that he associates dirt roads with cows?

One of the best parts of our property and future home in Arizona is the 12 mile dirt-road-adventure to get there! Along the way, it is commonplace to see free range cattle. Truthfully, it is difficult not to stop and tell them how beautiful they are! Mooooooo a time or two, and if Grandbaby is along, to say, “Look at that cow”, “Cow says, MOO!”  This particular bull was eating a Prickly Pear Cactus for breakfast —I know, right?

As if free range cattle isn’t enough, for me, the wild donkey take first prize. They are the cutest animals . . . EVER!

Donkey and baby

Now Gbaby has my memory going wild!

This reminds me of my first visit to Rickett’s Glenn State Park. It was easier when I lived closer, but I try and make a yearly pilgrimage there. It is a place of peace for me. When we first moved to that area we took a ride to see the park and I had this weird, “I’ve been here before familiarity feeling of, WHAT?”  Only to find out that when I was nine months old, my family went camping and did the 19 Waterfall Trail. My Mom’s a tough one, she carried me most of the way for 3 1/2 miles!

Image result for waterfall trail ricketts glen

With this experience in mind, and Gbaby relating to cows and dirt roads, I am reminded of just how amazingly powerful memory is. Memory can lead us to good, bad, or neutral feelings. But it can lead us into our day or even the future. It can affect our life-choices and relationships. I think the most important thing to keep in mind is that the memories we concentrate on, as well as, those we are creating for ourselves and others really can make a difference. Even if it is something as simple as riding on a dirt road!


These memories, particularly of Arizona and hugging my Gbaby, give me a sense of expectancy and urgency for today. It makes me want to climb up on the roof of the house we are flippig and nail in those shingles! Even though I know it will not be easy, it brings us one step closer to our dream. It gives me gumption to want to finish the model of the house we will build out in the desert highlands. Memory is a powerful tool for the future!

future house model

I write this blog as my protest against the negative era we find ourselves living in. I believe that we are all effected by it in various ways and different levels. I do what I can to “fight it” because I believe it is much healthier to embrace a more positive attitude, thus changing the world for the better.

I generally try and ask a question, or give a challenge in my blog. Today begs two questions:

  1. What memories just make you feel great?
  2. What will you do TODAY to create a good memory for yourself or someone else? (How about tomorrow?)

I hope that today you find yourself enjoying your memories and challenged to create new ones! You are welcome to share your thoughts, memories and hopes for new ones in the comments!

(Truly) Enjoying the Adventure,

Dr. Dink


Please visit my other blog: The Brown Bag Letter

An earlier Cow blog —- one of my favorites!   Slight Glance to the Left

The Beautiful waterfall image was found at:

Author: Karen "Dink" Urbanski

Loving life & sharing with others!

4 thoughts on “Memory & Hopes & Dreams”

  1. Memories that make me feel great are ones that I have only pictures of them in my mind because the feeling was so intense, I don’t need a photo to remember them by. Today, I’m choosing to let go of papers that hold the memories of my mom’s dementia – it’s time to let them go and move on. PS – I remembered your donkey chapter :-)!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t it wonderful to have memories that are so special they are emblazed into our mind’s eye? I hope that you are filled with memories of when Mom was still mom. She must have been wonderful. (Donkey chapter! LOL)


  2. What a great post. I love remembering my dad taking me out to fish and hike in Arizona when I was a little girl. We would go on road trips all the time. I have carried on that tradition now by doing the same with my kids. We all love our drives down the old dirt country roads here in Arizona, they always lead us to something that will put a smile on our faces. I have seen countless animals over the years on our trips from the city to Our Little Red House up north. Thank you for being one of the good ones out in this world right now. You are right about negativity growing on this planet and us sensitive ones can feel it even stronger. We have a pretty big job ahead of us to counteract all that negative but kindness always spreads faster in my book then cruelty. So I also will keep trying to pass that on out there too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for such a beautiful response! I just got off one of those roads a bit ago. Arizona is beautiful, lovely, mysterious. How many wonderful words to describe this beautiful state. Glad you’re making adventures with your kids too!


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