Bloom Where You’re Planted??????!!!!!!

I ask you, how much cuteness can I take?

While waiting for Mommy I’m walking with my grandson, and he saw a weed growing out of the sidewalk. “Isn’t this pretty?”  I’m fascinated. This Pennsylvania girl is seeing a weed growing out of the sidewalk in DECEMBER! However, there are blooms everywhere, because I’m in Arizona. Blooms in December! I could get used to this!

Oh, you were looking for cuteness, not fascination? Sorry, I digress so soon.

“Honey, it’s so pretty, let’s just look at it, don’t pu . . . ”

(I tried to say pull, but —too late!).

Oh! He was quite proud of himself!

Are you ready?

He says, “I give to Mommy!”

As Dinky melts into the concrete.

I love the little gifts life has to offer. Have an awesome day!

Enjoying the Adventure,

Dr. Dink



I’m simply intimidated by numbers. Those numbers are 911. Last Tuesday I was all ready to start a pithy little blog about this watermelon I cut. I noticed there was a heart shape in the cut, so I took a photo. As I was writing a short blog with a message something like, “How can you not be positive after cutting into a watermelon and finding a heart?”  I looked down at the date. 9.11.18. I found that anything I tried to write fell short of inappropriate, maybe even stupid on this particular day.

I also had a very weird intuition about that Bitch in the Atlantic, Florence. Why intuition? Why did you have to be right this time? I’ve come to trust intuition —-sometimes it’s helpful, other times, you just wish it was wronger than wrong.

Considering positivity, one must acknowledge there are times of serious remembrance and fearful anticipation in the world. Additionally, when that anticipation becomes reality, a sense of empathy for the suffering and loss in the aftermath is in order. Sweet little stories need to be quiet. There are reasons to be less than positive aren’t there? At the same time, I constantly wonder, thus this blog, why look for and embrace the negative? How has it become good marketing technique to emphasize negativity? There are enough things that happen in life that make me want to quote something from the book, “Alexander’s Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” without the constant barrage of negative marketing.

When crisis occur whether that be world, national, weather related or at home, there is nothing positive about it. However, our response can be.

I’ll write about 911 in “Numbers” (Part 2). However for today, let me tackle flooding.

I’ve lived in Central Pennsylvania since 1995. For a Jersey Girl, it was quite surprising to me that there would be a great problem with flooding in the mountains. Yet, creeks rise, run-off happens and, wow! I’ve seen homes destroyed again and again. The Red Cross, churches and civic groups all collect much needed funds to help the victims of flooding. Yet, what I have found to be even more rewarding is volunteering. Whether it be along the Susquehanna River in Shickshinny, or a helping a year after the flood in a town up high in the mountains, help is needed. Often by folks who fall between the cracks where assistance is granted. Or something as terrible as Hurricane Sandy, or now Florence, getting involved with clean up, rebuilding walls and helping those who just happened to be in the path of something awful is incredibly helpful and personally rewarding.

The urgent aftermath is daunting, but trust me in months, even a couple of years from now, people will still be picking up the pieces of their lives and homes. When I was working with Penn State students we did quite a few trips to help others that were affected by devastating storms. What we found was very grateful recipients of our attempts to help. What I also found was a great sense of humanity at it’s finest. I saw students that never picked up a hammer before helping to stud-out a room. I saw others climb under crawl spaces in what looked like space suits pulling insulation out of the floor joists of a home that had been flooded (6 months after the storm). The results were wonderful. A sense of pride in a job well done. Statements like, “I never thought I’d ever do anything like this!” or, “I can’t wait to tell my Mom!”

I think anyone would agree with me that there is nothing positive about any crisis. Nothing. However, our caring response is priceless. Knowing there will be folks that will give of themselves in coming months and years to help gives me reason to celebrate humanity. Looking at first-responders risking themselves for others is the beginning. However, I see those who will be last-responders too. There are many unsung heroes who will respond to crisis in very practical and helpful ways. For this I’m grateful.

When I think of these good things that will happen in the near and far future in response to crisis, my heart is full.  (Maybe a heart in my watermelon isn’t inappropriate after all).


Enjoying the Adventure,

Dr. Dink






Green Bananas

We went to the grocery store the other day and all they had were green bananas. I bought them knowing that (I’d suffer for a day or two before) they would turn yellow in a couple of days But I like them pretty ripe . . . so (The suffering would last) I’d have to wait even longer.

shallow focus photography of unripe bananas
Photo by Phani Chandra on

Each morning since, I’ve woke up, checked the bananas and (wondered if I put them in the microwave, would they ripen faster?) said to myself, “Another day, Karen, another day!”  There is great anticipation in my life for these bananas. I think they will taste better just because I’m waiting for them.

Yesterday, just for fun on Down to Earth Positive Facebook Group page I put a post: Fill in the Blanks, “Today will be __________________.”  It was fun as the day went on hearing notifications that someone responded. Here are the results:





Only filled with good news!


Sun Filled Day again



A Fun Adventure



The best day of the rest of my life

I think these words are like my green bananas (and a little less frustrating!). They are loaded with fun, positivity and looking-forward-to-it-tive-ness!  So while I’m waiting for my bananas to ripen I’m going to take these words and work them into my plans, my vocabulary, my thoughts. Want to join me?

A response came later in the day to “Only filled with Good News”

The response you ask? And it was!

May your day be filled with, “And it was!”

Enjoying the Adventure,

Dr. Dink

You are welcome to visit my new blog: Nail in My Pocket

Feature Photo by: Pexels


I don’t know about you, but for hubby and I days off are . . . MINIMAL. When we have a day off we tend to drive ourselves nuts trying to make up for lost time at home. Yeah? Then you go back to work the next day, or over the weekend and wonder what happened to the time. You too, huh?

We actually went away for the weekend! Imagine that.

Our little mini-vacation was a perfect scenario, we got to visit with my Son & his girlfriend at her parents beautiful cabin nestled in the mountainous woods of Pennsylvania. There was no cell service and no internet—-After suffering a short period of withdrawal, we relaxed at the camp-fire, took lengthy walks, enjoyed the abundant wild-life including deer, turkey, squirrels. We even square-danced!

adventure beautiful boardwalk bridge
Photo by Pixabay on

It was particularly interesting when a huge green bug about the size of a Pterodactyl landed on my wine glass at the fire. Yes, of course I finished my wine!

closeup photography of green grasshopper
Photo by Egor Kamelev on

I’m not proposing a life of ease, nor would I want to not-work-so-hard. It’s in my nature and I would be totally bored if I wasn’t as active as I am. However! In order to keep up I think it is important to take time to relax; to enjoy guilt free down time; to build positive and fun memories with family and friends. Honestly, when you take time to just enjoy yourself, (without trying to build that business you so enjoy) you end up more productive when you return back to work. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, expensive or stressful to plan.

So, my positive thought of the day is enjoy yourself every now and again, even on a regular basis! Don’t feel guilty about it! Enjoy this wonderful adventure of life!

Dr. Dink

Please visit my new blog: Nail in My Pocket


Memory & Hopes & Dreams

I am amazed by the power of memory, its effect on us, and how it can lead us to our hopes and dreams.  After a text conversation with a friend last night about Arizona, I received a message from my daughter this morning. She said when they drive on dirt roads when on an Arizona discovery adventure, that my grandson starts talking about wanting to see a cow! I find this, not only exciting, but AMAZING!

My grandson is so young so I wonder how can he remember a ride or two over the past year? How does the mind work that he associates dirt roads with cows?

One of the best parts of our property and future home in Arizona is the 12 mile dirt-road-adventure to get there! Along the way, it is commonplace to see free range cattle. Truthfully, it is difficult not to stop and tell them how beautiful they are! Mooooooo a time or two, and if Grandbaby is along, to say, “Look at that cow”, “Cow says, MOO!”  This particular bull was eating a Prickly Pear Cactus for breakfast —I know, right?

As if free range cattle isn’t enough, for me, the wild donkey take first prize. They are the cutest animals . . . EVER!

Donkey and baby

Now Gbaby has my memory going wild!

This reminds me of my first visit to Rickett’s Glenn State Park. It was easier when I lived closer, but I try and make a yearly pilgrimage there. It is a place of peace for me. When we first moved to that area we took a ride to see the park and I had this weird, “I’ve been here before familiarity feeling of, WHAT?”  Only to find out that when I was nine months old, my family went camping and did the 19 Waterfall Trail. My Mom’s a tough one, she carried me most of the way for 3 1/2 miles!

Image result for waterfall trail ricketts glen

With this experience in mind, and Gbaby relating to cows and dirt roads, I am reminded of just how amazingly powerful memory is. Memory can lead us to good, bad, or neutral feelings. But it can lead us into our day or even the future. It can affect our life-choices and relationships. I think the most important thing to keep in mind is that the memories we concentrate on, as well as, those we are creating for ourselves and others really can make a difference. Even if it is something as simple as riding on a dirt road!


These memories, particularly of Arizona and hugging my Gbaby, give me a sense of expectancy and urgency for today. It makes me want to climb up on the roof of the house we are flippig and nail in those shingles! Even though I know it will not be easy, it brings us one step closer to our dream. It gives me gumption to want to finish the model of the house we will build out in the desert highlands. Memory is a powerful tool for the future!

future house model

I write this blog as my protest against the negative era we find ourselves living in. I believe that we are all effected by it in various ways and different levels. I do what I can to “fight it” because I believe it is much healthier to embrace a more positive attitude, thus changing the world for the better.

I generally try and ask a question, or give a challenge in my blog. Today begs two questions:

  1. What memories just make you feel great?
  2. What will you do TODAY to create a good memory for yourself or someone else? (How about tomorrow?)

I hope that today you find yourself enjoying your memories and challenged to create new ones! You are welcome to share your thoughts, memories and hopes for new ones in the comments!

(Truly) Enjoying the Adventure,

Dr. Dink


Please visit my other blog: The Brown Bag Letter

An earlier Cow blog —- one of my favorites!   Slight Glance to the Left

The Beautiful waterfall image was found at:

Coffee With Paul . ..

My dog decided to wake me up at 4:30 this morning. I realized quickly that I wouldn’t be going back to sleep, so I put on a pot of coffee and decided to check Facebook. What else do you do when your waiting for your coffee at 4:30 AM? Eh? One of my “Friends” had posted James Gordon’s episode of Carpool Karaoke with Paul McCartney.

I’m still smiling. Growing up in the 60’s with the Beatles, this video brought back my musical memory. I wanted to sing along, but I don’t think hubby would appreciate that very much! They visit many places that inspired the songs –which truly made some of the lyrics make sense! And, yes, I’m still smiling.

The video is around 20 minutes long. If you get the chance, you’ll be smiling too. As a matter of fact, watch it on your TV,  you’ll be smiling too! I’m including the video, get yourself a cup of coffee, or ale & enjoy! Have an awesome day!


Nostalgia is a good thing! Have a great day!

Enjoying the Adventure! (Yes, still smiling . . . )

Dr. Dink


Please visit my other Blog:  Brown Bag Letter –a blog of stories celebrating “personal history”. You will find antique anonymous photos connected to stories people have shared with me about their grandparents and family folklore.

I encourage you to visit other bloggers at the following sites. You’ll find almost everything imaginable that can be written, in every form, from all over the world!

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Musical Memory


I love musical memory, except for when it comes to the Purple Dinosaur with his tail swinging as he sings the, “I love you, you love me” song, or the “Noah” song that I learned in Vacation Bible School years ago, I want to scream and listen to head-banging music just to get it out of repeat mode in my brain. But for the most part, musical memory is wonderful.

The other day, I received a text asking for a verse that would be appropriate for comfort for someone who had a death in the family. It would be great if it had to do with the setting sun. Immediately I had a song in my mind that I knew came from the Psalms. “From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same, the Name of the Lord shall be praised!” (Psalm 113:3) — and I’ve been silently hearing and enjoying it since.

Musical memory is an amazing thing, it can bring us back to places we have long forgotten, our first kiss, that fun trip with a girlfriend, good times, bad times, sad times and times of love, joy and wonder. I love listening to what are considered “oldies” now for that very reason. (Hold on, how can songs I grew up with be considered old? OK, I’ll call them classic rock, that sounds much better!).

I’ve sang songs with people in nursing homes, and watched those who have basically no memory left at all, sing along with songs or hymns with huge smiles on their faces. These have been beautiful moments of the power of music.

What songs “bring you back?” What songs give you pleasant memories, you know, the ones you know all the words to and can’t help but sing along? The songs that you really don’t mind if it bounces around in your head for an hour, or a day. Yes, that one!

Please don’t say the purple dinosaur song, because if you do I’ll start hearing it over and over and over. Which is now, Oh no! Why did I do this to myself?  PLEASE REPLACE WITH A NEW SONG! Let’s have some fun with this one . . . it doesn’t matter if it was last year, a decade or five decades ago . . . what song brings you back to a good place and time?

Enjoying the adventure,

Dr. Dink

My song for today, you ask? Mambo No. 5, of course!


Please visit my other Blog:  Brown Bag Letter

I encourage you to visit other bloggers. You’ll find almost everything imaginable that can be written, in every form, from all over the world!

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Grateful for the Everyday

Wow, yesterday was very quiet. I mean QUIET. I’m just glad it happened after I had perked my coffee. Yes, the electric went out. For 7 hours. This is the longest we’ve dealt with here. No great tragedy, storm or earthquake, just a gentle rain, that hasn’t stopped yet weakened a tree and brought wires down into the creek.

All day I kept thinking about doing “something” but it seems every something that I thought of required electric, or “it was just to dark in that room”, or sitting on the back porch, which I did a lot of yesterday, in June, dressed like it’s freaking winter out!

This seven hour electric dilemma, which when you really think about it, with all the storms and natural events, like wild fires and volcanoes, really messing up people’s lives around the globe . . .was nothing. However, it made me realize how I take advantage of something as simple as flipping on a light-switch and how that action improves my life. So, this morning while I wait for my coffee to perk, I’m grateful. I’m glad the electric went out to remind me that I’m really a spoiled brat. Today I will be grateful for the everyday things.

img_20180525_184523059_hdrDo you ever find yourself in a position like this? You know, when you realize that you take advantage of the things that make your life easier? What are those things?

Enjoying the Adventure,

Dr. Dink


Please visit my other Blog:  Brown Bag Letter

I encourage you to visit other bloggers. You’ll find almost everything imaginable that can be written, in every form, from all over the world!

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In yesterday’s blog I wrote about the symphony of birds in the morning. Later in the afternoon, I happened across this baby robin on an old board. He was just looking at me, so vulnerable, so cute! I stood there for a bit, just thankful. I felt like nature was rewarding me for celebrating the birds.
baby robin

New beginnings

New Life

New day

Such Simplicity in a complex world! I think it is good to step back, look at and appreciate the value and gifts of nature, especially this time of year.

Enjoying the Adventure!

Dr. Dink