Silence Calls

Early in the morning, before the crickets begin to sing, silence calls me. The sky is dark, no distractions, no cries, no pressure other than the coffee cup by my side. The world is still asleep and not ready for the noise of the day. I can begin to hear my own thoughts, or sit and do nothing without boredom.

Somehow there is a naive peace in this silence. Possibly it is the world calling out for the voices to be stilled. Why is it so strange that the “natural” silent noise of the earth seems so unusual. We are so used to noise in this generation that I wonder if we are able to hear anything at all. Silence scares us, why?

Why did I not wake up earlier? I now begin to hear the low roar of the Hwy 101 bypass, soon the beeps, the vibrations and voices will overtake this unnatural natural peace. A new day is here to work, to play and to love. The silence reminds me to choose what noise I listen to. The silence reminds me the world doesn’t need to be so loud. Even in a crowd I listen for the voice of silence, she is not far away. Eventually she will quiet the anger and stress, that consumes our attentions. It is good to remember that our noise is temporary. The silence of the earth will live on long after our noise is done . . . maybe we can find peace if we would only learn to listen.

Enjoying the Adventure,

Dr. Dink

Oh Yes, I am!!!!

Tell me you wouldn’t feel totally empowered by this!

Hubby was checking the brakes on my car and comes in the house saying, “I need your help moving the car.” So, I grab my keys and he says, “You don’t need them.” I left them behind figuring he had the spare already. I THOUGHT that I was going to pull up the car on the ramp, but no, he had something different in mind.

The jack was too tall to fit under the car, and he needed to have the wheel free, so he got a pressure-treated 4×4 board and proceeded to say, “Here, just lift the car up!” I’m strong, especially for a girly-girl, but REALLY HONEY, YOU WANT ME TO LIFT UP A FREAKING CAR???? How high???????

I did it.


THEN . . . 

I sang Helen Reddy, I am Woman!

I told every man I saw in Home Depot what I did.

I danced in the grocery store.

I’m a badass.

And really, it wasn’t even that hard to do! What makes you feel like a bad-ass singing Helen Reddy songs?

Enjoying the Adventure!

Dr. Dink


Please visit my other Blog:  Brown Bag Letter

–a blog of stories celebrating “personal history”. You will find antique anonymous photos connected to stories people have shared with me about their grandparents and family folklore.

I encourage you to visit other bloggers at the following sites. You’ll find almost everything imaginable that can be written, in every form, from all over the world!


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screenshot_20180516-1944001791624151.pngDo you see the little spots on the side of the bridge?  . . . we shall get to that!

I’m a country girl, so a pedestrian bridge over an 8 lane highway with cars moving at 70 mph was a curiosity. I didn’t expect to see the sunset as I stood there above the noise of the cars, it was beautiful and I stood for a while watching, then. as I got to the center of the bridge, I looked and there was a Master lock on the wire fencing, I thought it was strange, and then looked further. One led to the other and more and more. What is this, I mused. Then I looked closely at the locks, there were names on them.


img_20180517_075908448_hdr1144094110.jpgIn Love For Ever

I’m Locked with you


Love & hearts




A local couple taking a walk with their two children came on the bridge and confirmed that couples would come up on the bridge to confess their love and commitment to each other. (Goosebumps!) At first I thought, it would mostly be high school students. But then I saw an antique lock. For many years I was with people during the tragic times of their lives. I would stay at the hospital after the accident, or as a family sat at vigil as their loved one pass. So many times during these moments, I would ask the spouse, “You meant it didn’t you?” Their answer was always, “Yes.” So, I would repeat the traditional words that most folks said on their wedding day,

“To have and to hold,

from this day forward,

for better, for worse

for richer, for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

to love and to cherish,

until death do us part . . .”

I am willing to wager that most of those locks were placed by young teens with visions of love in their hearts. However, I believe that their were also special anniversaries, or the realization the impact of a diagnosis’, and re-commitments of love and devotion too. I came off that bridge with the biggest smile on my face (it was ridiculous) and a small pool of tears in my eyes. All because of the beauty of locks.

Have you reminded, or done something special for the one you love to remind them how much that love means to you lately?

Enjoying the Adventure!img_20180517_075547943_hdr1366755143.jpg

Dr. Dink




My Love

img_20180412_172510463_burst001828445920.jpgThis man is a freak. Honestly, that is my word for “most wonderful man in the world.” He’s a guy’s guy kind of a guy. He can fix anything, he loves soccer with a passion, he will drop any “important project” that he’s working on if one of his kids call, or if I ask for some stupid thing that really can wait.

He fixes inside, outside, upside down (especially working on the truck or yucky plumbing). I’ve watched him persevere in the craziest of situations. My favorite was three days of “snaking the drain line” on a house we were working on. Oh my –it was rude to say the least and three days!!!  Did I say, 3?

With all this down to earth stuff of life, he also writes computer program. I mean really, a full description is quite complicated! I’m thrilled to say that this freak of a man is my husband.

Oh, I almost forgot . . . he talks funny too.  We have a small city near us named Altoona. He constantly calls it “AltooNER”.  He also pronounces, PAAArC, for what we normal people here in the US of A say, “Park”. When we were first dating that accent slayed me! I wanted him to read fairy tales to me . . .

img_20180519_060227930532885991.jpgSo imagine this morning, I’m currently in a different time zone & he calls, “Are you watching the wedding?”  It was 5:30am! So I got up and turned on the television while listening to him telling me about the beauty that was before me. I hear him saying, “I’ve been there.” (And I bet this man’s man kind of a man had a few little tears brewing in his English born eyes).

img_20180412_145612401305200189.jpgRoots are powerful. Here in Arizona, our second home-to-be, I’ve been hearing the doves calling out, “who, who, who” and it is strange how it brings me back to my childhood where I heard their call as a little girl. While here, three time zones and 5 decades later, there have been a few moments when I’ve had my eyes closed and I hear those doves and actually see my childhood home, feel the humidity-filled-Southern-New-Jersey air, and smile.

I’m happy that my love woke me up this morning. I’m so grateful that he got to remember his roots through this awe-inspiring event of love. Best part is, I know that I’m loved by this Brit each & every day.

Today, with all the terrible things going on in the world, it is good to have a break from the chaos and celebrate love. What memories do you cherish? What memories are you building? I’d love to hear your responses to these questions! As the day continues, I’m going to go play with that grandbaby before I fly back to my prince!img_20180412_1053396151562422611.jpg

Oh yes, I’m 

Enjoying the Adventure!


(a.k.a. Dr. Dink)


P.S. As for the Royals, I hope they are as blessed as me!


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My Dear Friends,

As a shadow lengthens in the sun,

attitudes infect those around you.

hang out with people

who smile and laugh A LOT!

Enjoying the Adventure, (A wee bit taller today)

Dr. Dink

Daily Prompt


Who Knew?

I remember a third grade assignment: “Ask your parents about your ancestry.” Where did you come from? My teacher talked about race, countries and such. My Dad’s answer has always stuck with me, “Your a Heinz 57 –You’re grandparents down the line are from all over the world! Dink, you’re an American!” Later, my Mom’s genealogical studies and DNA test confirmed that to be true.

Ancestor CollageI descend from a line of worldly, quirky, brave, and normal folks –some are still living through their stories. Honestly, I could care less if my ancestors were Italian and Hungarian, English, French and more. My P-pop claimed we were part of the Cherokee Indian tribe too. Oh! The list goes on. I’m proud to have a mixed pedigree, I’m proud to be a mutt. Yes, my roots are colorful. I would probably be sat in the back if invited to he royal wedding this weekend, eh?

I’m more interested ancestral stories. I come from a line of homesteaders, settlers, farmers, builders, home-makers, hypochondriacs, bartenders, bootleggers, soldiers and a “Lady of the Night”. I’m so happy I know their stories. Stories mean more to me than bloodline.

This makes me think . . . what will our Great-Great-Grand-babies know about us? What stories will form their image of who they are, where they came from? What does that make us today? I know, it is a heavy, wonderful, awesome responsibility! In an earlier blog,  Something to Live By, I summarized life as, who knew you loved them? I don’t know about you, but to me, that is the pedigree I want to pass on!

Enjoying the Adventure (Especially the love part),

Dr. Dink

Daily Prompt

Something to Live By . . .

Want something to live by?  We’re All Gonna Die! Let’s face it, ALL of us are heading to death. Now, that is unavoidable and can be scary.

Wasn’t that nice of me to remind you that are going to die? You know, just in case someone hasn’t shared this nasty truth with you yet. Your welcome! I’m not so concerned with death, as much as it is an unwelcome part of life. Rather, I am more concerned with life. How will you choose to live your life? Will it be one of ultimate doom, “I’m dying, so why bother?” rather than, “I’m going to do my best to take each and every day for what it’s worth and look forward to the next.”

I think that every human being has his or her place in history. Some are known more than others. Some acquire super-stardom. Others end up working at a dead-end job, going through the daily routine, just biding time. Most of us are somewhere in the middle. Then others just stop living. On the other hand, there are people of every race, gender, creed and economic strata that LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!

I am convinced that life is what we make it. I will be the absolute first one to admit that life can be pretty freakin’ shitty sometimes. Ask me, I’ve been there on more than a few occasions. You name it, I’ve either lived through it myself, or have walked with others in the middle of horrible life circumstances. Because of this, I have adopted an attitude of “making the best of today”. I think that might be the answer to not getting stuck in a pile of shit. After officiating more funerals than I can count or remember in 22 years of ministry, I realize that I may live to 104, or die in a tragic accident today. So, what does that leave me? Today, simply today. That doesn’t change the fact that there is a future to plan for and things to look forward to, but they are not guaranteed. Only now is guaranteed.

Over the years of officiating funerals, I’ve celebrated the lives of young children to, yes, 104! They represent community leaders and heroes, people from big families, little families & just normal everyday people. However, there are two that really stand out because it was so difficult to do their eulogies. The first was a guy, I’ll call him Tim. When I met with his family, I asked many questions about his life. All I could remember was them telling me, “He was a no-good-rotten-son-of-a-bitch!” Literally, the only positive thing they could tell me was that he donated his organs. On the opposite end of the spectrum was a woman, let’s call her Mom. She had no accomplishments, no group memberships, few interests other than weaving plastic canvas & she made the best potato salad ever. Hers was a very short eulogy. She was simply the “best mom ever!” Two opposite lives. Both influenced the lives of others. At the end of the day, the important thing is knowing that our effect upon others results in knowing they were loved. It doesn’t matter what titles we have, what awards we’ve received, or the amount of money we’ve made. It is what we do in our everyday lives with the people we encounter along the way that is appreciated now and remembered later.

So, what will you do with today? What dreams need to come out from your thoughts? What project do you want to accomplish? What beautiful things are there to see right beside you, in your yard, 20 miles away or across the world? What recipe have you been wanting to try? What words will you chose to use? Most importantly, how will you express to those that you love how much you truly do love them?

Enjoying the Adventure!

Dr. Dink